

1 Fatigue

Definition, Symptoms, and its effect on our daily lives

Have you ever felt so unbelievably tired that you could not even lift a finger? Well that could be just normal exhaustion, but it could be worse. If you have felt that way for a long time, then it could be fatigue.

Fatigue is a continues feeling of being tired and physically weak. It could be mental weakness as well or a combination of both mental and physical weakness. Fatigue is not for a specific age group; it can affect those of a younger age or of an older age but for the most part it affects adults more than any age group. Even though often fatigue is mistaken as just simple tiredness, it is in fact way more than just feeling drowsy, sleepy, or tired. The difference between tiredness and fatigue is that if you are simply tired a good night sleep will fix your issue, but fatigue cannot be fixed with jus a simple good night sleep, in fact if not taken proper care of, acute fatigue can turn into chronic fatigue.

Fatigue is quite confusing because even if you sleep enough, eat well, and have good nutrition and even exercise to keep in shape and maintain your health, you can still experience fatigue.

Symptoms of fatigue may include- low motivation, short-term memory issues, headache, dizzy, chronic tiredness, chronic sleepiness, loss of appetite, and many more. Causes of Fatigue include life-style related causes such as alcohol or drugs, lack of sleep, too much sleep, sleep issues, and poor lifestyle choices such as a poor diet and lack of movement, a medical disorder that has fatigue as a side effect, over-working, emotional problems, workplace stress, school stress, work or school burnout, poor environment

Psychological problems also cause fatigue such as anxiety, which is a disorder of chronic anxiousness, depression which is a very long period of the individuals’ life where they feel hopeless and sad, stress, and over-thinking.

Luckily fatigue is not a life-threatening issue, it also does not have a special or specific cure like medication due to the fact that it is usually a sign that the body is experiencing a disease or some physical problem that should be treated, but for the most part fatigue goes away slowly but surely, but a visit to a doctor is a good choice especially if it is giving the individual a hard time doing everyday tasks.

Diagnosing fatigue usually involves a simple doctor visit that basically consists of checking medical history of the patient and running simple test to check what can be the cause of the patients’ fatigue.

Fatigue is a serious condition that can make our lives harder, even when it comes to the simple tasks of our everyday lives. Although having fatigue is not too much of an issue since it is not life-threatening but getting checked is important since fatigue is a sign from our bodies that there might be an even bigger issue we are facing physically or mentally that we are unaware of that can cause bigger and more chronic issues for our bodies and mind ruining of ability to do everyday tasks.

Luna Abd Elrazaq.

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